Virtual Parenting
in a New Society
Come together to connect over Zoom and Facebook with other parents from different countries wanting to build relationships during this challenging period of physical distancing, and wanting to learn about: life in Canada, how and where to find support, and how to feel at home when you are far away from your friends and relatives – and even physically isolated from the people around you.
This pre-registered program will take place within a private Facebook group and via the weekly Zoom meetings for parents on Mondays and parents and children on Tuesdays.
Date: April 6, 2021 – June 29, 2021
Parent Zoom: Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm
Parent and Child Zoom: Tuesdays 10:00-10:30 am
Location: Virtual
What is KEyON?
KEyON is a digital sign in system that provides parents a quick and simple way to sign in at EarlyON Centres across Ontario and the information collected by the centre helps them better serve you!
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