Adult to Child ratio: 1 to 5
In the yellow room we offer Early Learning programs for children from 24 months to 26 months. This room is a fun and exciting place for children to engage in meaningful play experiences with their peers, their parents/caregivers, staff and volunteers. Children in this age group are learning to play socially, share, express their feelings, and follow routines. You will notice a train table, a large sandbox and a dramatic play area. These areas provide opportunities for children to engage in play with peers and use their imaginations. Children have an opportunity to explore their creativity through various art materials and complete both individual and group projects. Early Learning programs generally have a circle component. This is a fun time to participate in a large group activity while enjoying songs and stories.
This room can be adapted to provide children's programming for mixed age groups.
Other programs offered in this room are: Toddler Time.